Caring for NH's Pisgah State Park Since 1986
The Friends of Pisgah Inc. (A.K.A. the F.O.P.) is a group of volunteers who works directly with the State Of N.H. division of Parks and Recreations. Our mission is to develop and maintain Pisgah’s many trail systems for the education and enjoyment of all who visit.
The F.O.P. council is a group of elected volunteers that creates and executes an annual work plan for Pisgah, hosts monthly work days, hikes, and a yearly kayaking trip. We also maintain a shelter abutting Pisgah State Park, and collect and maintain historical documentation about Pisgah.
Our organization is able to achieve our goals through volunteers and memberships. Membership dues go toward providing materials to aid us in maintaining trail systems by giving us the ability to purchase tools such as potato hooks, chain saws, and materials for the many bridges and trails we maintain in Pisgah. As a member you are also invited to help out on work days and join our events. You will receive emails of activities we are hosting, a yearly newsletter, an invite to the annual meeting, and the ability to give back to the park we all use and love.

The best way to help is by becoming a member and/or donating to this organization.
Email us at friendsofpisgah@gmail.com to be added to our email list .
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram pages for upcoming volunteer opportunities.
About Pisgah State Park
StateofNH.org states "Pisgah State Park includes over 13,300 acres of rough forested terrain, encompassing a complete watershed north of the Ashuelot River. Within the Cheshire County towns of Winchester, Chesterfield and Hinsdale, the park protects seven ponds (popular for fishing), four highland ridges and numerous wetlands. The area's 21 square miles make it the largest property in the New Hampshire state park system.
Six trailheads around the park disperse use, reducing guest impact and encouraging the discovery of Pisgah's natural and cultural features. Year-round trailheads for hiking, mountain biking, ATV and snowmobile use provide options for short, moderate, and long treks into the backcountry. Park staff monitor the impact of motorized and bicycle use on the park seasonally. Please be advised that trails may be closed for mud season or as other conditions warrant. For information about trail status or about equestrian use, call the Bureau of Trails at 603-271-3254."